<?php sha1($datos['comercio_token_privado'] . $idPedido . strval(floatval($j['monto_total']))); ?>
{ "token": "fbe4586135e7f482d6c8ad624413139b9c90825f", "comprador": { "ruc": "4247903-7", "email": "fernandogoetz@gmail.com", "ciudad": null, "nombre": "Rudolph Goetz", "telefono": "0972200046", "direccion": "", "documento": "4247903", "coordenadas": "", "razon_social": "Rudolph Goetz", "tipo_documento": "CI", "direccion_referencia": null }, "public_key": "98b97ce494801bf26575a5c4ff2d4f14", "monto_total": 100000, "tipo_pedido": "VENTA-COMERCIO", "compras_items": [ { "ciudad": "1", "nombre": "Ticket virtual a evento Ejemplo 2017", "cantidad": 1, "categoria": "909", "public_key": "98b97ce494801bf26575a5c4ff2d4f14", "url_imagen": "http://www.example.com/d7/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/ticket.png", "descripcion": "Ticket virtual a evento Ejemplo 2017", "id_producto": 895, "precio_total": 100000, "vendedor_telefono": "", "vendedor_direccion": "", "vendedor_direccion_referencia": "", "vendedor_direccion_coordenadas": "" } ], "fecha_maxima_pago": "2018-01-04 14:14:48", "id_pedido_comercio": "1134", "descripcion_resumen": "" }
Field | Description | Example |
token | It is generated as follows: sha1($datos['comercio_token_privado'] . $idPedido . strval(floatval($j['monto_total']))); | fbe4586135e7f482d6c8ad624413139b9c90825f |
comprador.ruc | Buyer's Tax ID. The field must be present; if there is no Tax ID, it should be provided with an empty value ('') | 4247903-7 |
comprador.email | Buyer's Email. Mandatory field | fernandogoetz@gmail.com |
comprador.ciudad | If you are not using the courier services offered by Pagopar (Only for physical products), you must still send the field with the value 1. Otherwise, refer to the courier integration documentation to obtain the city ID. | 1 |
comprador.nombre | Buyer's Name. Mandatory field. | Rudolph Goetz |
comprador.telefono | Phone number in international format. | +595972200046 |
comprador.direccion | Buyer's Address. The field must be present; if there is no address, send the empty value (''). | |
comprador.documento | ID Number. Mandatory field. | 4247903 |
comprador.coordenadas | Coordinates of the buyer's address, if not available, send with the empty value. | |
comprador.razon_social | Buyer's business name, if not available, send the field with the empty value. | |
comprador.tipo_documento | Buyer's document type, for now, must always be sent with the value 'CI'. | CI |
comprador.direccion_referencia | Buyer's address reference. The field must be present; if there is no reference, send it empty. | |
public_key | Public key obtained from Pagopar.com in the 'Integrar con mi sitio web' section. | 98b97ce494801bf26575a5c4ff2d4f14 |
monto_total | Total amount to be transacted, in the currency 'Guaraníes (PYG)'. | 100000 |
tipo_pedido | If it's a simple transaction, the value 'VENTA-COMERCIO' must be sent. If it's split billing, 'COMERCIO-HEREDADO'. | VENTA-COMERCIO |
compras_items.[0].ciudad | The buyer's city, if not available, send the value 1. | 1 |
compras_items.[0].nombre | Name of the product or service being purchased. Mandatory. | Ticket virtual a evento Ejemplo 2017 |
compras_items.[0].cantidad | Quantity of the product being purchased, for informational purposes only. | 1 |
compras_items.[0].categoria | If you are not using courier services offered by Pagopar (Only for physical products), you must still send the field with the value 909. Otherwise, refer to the courier integration documentation to obtain the category ID. | 909 |
compras_items.[0].public_key | Seller's public key, if it is not a split billing transaction, it will be the same value as the 'public_key' field. | 98b97ce494801bf26575a5c4ff2d4f14 |
compras_items.[0].url_imagen | Product image URL. If there is no image, send the field with the empty value. | |
compras_items.[0].descripcion | Description of the product being purchased. | Ticket virtual a evento Ejemplo 2017 |
compras_items.[0].id_producto | Identifier of the product/service being purchased. | 895 |
compras_items.[0].precio_total | Total price of the product/service being purchased (It is not the unit price, but the total price grouped by product). | 100000 |
compras_items.[0].vendedor_telefono | Buyer's phone number. If not available, it must be sent with the empty value. | |
compras_items.[0].vendedor_direccion | Seller's address. If not available, it must be sent with the empty value. | |
compras_items.[0].vendedor_direccion_referencia | Reference of the seller's address. If not available, it must be sent with the empty value. | |
compras_items.[0].vendedor_direccion_coordenadas | Coordinates of the seller's address. If not available, it must be sent with the empty value. | |
fecha_maxima_pago | It is the maximum date that the buyer has to pay the order. Once it reaches the specified date, the order is automatically canceled and can no longer be paid. | 2018-01-04 14:14:48 |
id_pedido_comercio | Alfanumérico.Commerce order/transaction ID. It must be unique in both Development and Production environments. Alphanumeric. | 1134 |
descripcion_resumen | Brief description of the order, it can match the value of purchases_items.[0].name or be sent with the empty value. | Ticket virtual a evento Ejemplo 2017 |
{ "respuesta": true, "resultado": [ { "data": "ad57c9c94f745fdd9bc9093bb409297607264af1a904e6300e71c24f15d618fd",
"pedido": "1750"
} ] }
{ "respuesta": false,"resultado": "Token no coincide."
<?php header('Location: https://www.pagopar.com/pagos/ad57c9c94f745fdd9bc9093bb409297607264af1a904e6300e71c24f15d618fd'); exit(); ?>
https://www.pagopar.com/pagos/$hash?forma_pago=' + idPaymentMethod;
11 | Transferencia Bancaria | |
18 | Zimple | |
20 | Wally | |
22 | Wepa | |
23 | Giros Claro | |
24 | QR payments |
sha1(Private_key + “FORMA-PAGO”)
{ "token": "cebe636c26b55ec95309260941f5a2c00be9b0b6", "token_publico": "98b97ce494801bf26575a5c4ff2d4f14" }
"respuesta": true,
"resultado": [
"forma_pago": "25",
"titulo": "PIX",
"descripcion": "PIX vía QR",
"monto_minimo": "1000",
"porcentaje_comision": "3.00"
"forma_pago": "24",
"titulo": "Pago QR",
"descripcion": "Pagá con la app de tu banco, financiera o cooperativa a través de un QR",
"monto_minimo": "1000",
"porcentaje_comision": "6.82"
"forma_pago": "18",
"titulo": "Zimple",
"descripcion": "Utilice sus fondos de Zimple",
"monto_minimo": "1000",
"porcentaje_comision": "6.82"
"forma_pago": "9",
"titulo": "Tarjetas de crédito",
"descripcion": "Acepta Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Cabal, Panal, Discover, Diners Club.",
"monto_minimo": "1000",
"porcentaje_comision": "6.82",
"pagos_internacionales": false
"forma_pago": "10",
"titulo": "Tigo Money",
"descripcion": "Utilice sus fondos de Tigo Money",
"monto_minimo": "1000",
"porcentaje_comision": "6.82"
"forma_pago": "11",
"titulo": "Transferencia Bancaria",
"descripcion": "Pago con transferencias bancarias. Los pagos se procesan de 08:30 a 17:30 hs.",
"monto_minimo": "1000",
"porcentaje_comision": "3.30"
"forma_pago": "12",
"titulo": "Billetera Personal",
"descripcion": "Utilice sus fondos de Billetera Personal",
"monto_minimo": "1000",
"porcentaje_comision": "6.82"
"forma_pago": "13",
"titulo": "Pago Móvil",
"descripcion": "Usando la App Pago Móvil / www.infonet.com.py",
"monto_minimo": "1000",
"porcentaje_comision": "6.82"
"forma_pago": "20",
"titulo": "Wally",
"descripcion": "Utilice sus fondos de Wally",
"monto_minimo": "1000",
"porcentaje_comision": "6.82"
"forma_pago": "23",
"titulo": "Giros Claro",
"descripcion": "Utilice sus fondos de Billetera Claro",
"monto_minimo": "1000",
"porcentaje_comision": "6.82"
"forma_pago": "22",
"titulo": "Wepa",
"descripcion": "Acercándose a las bocas de pagos habilitadas luego de confirmar el pedido",
"monto_minimo": "1000",
"porcentaje_comision": "6.82"
"forma_pago": "2",
"titulo": "Aqui Pago",
"descripcion": "Acercándose a las bocas de pagos habilitadas luego de confirmar el pedido",
"monto_minimo": "1000",
"porcentaje_comision": "6.82"
"forma_pago": "3",
"titulo": "Pago Express",
"descripcion": "Acercándose a las bocas de pagos habilitadas luego de confirmar el pedido",
"monto_minimo": "1000",
"porcentaje_comision": "6.82"
"forma_pago": "15",
"titulo": "Infonet Cobranzas",
"descripcion": "Acercándose a las bocas de pagos habilitadas luego de confirmar el pedido",
"monto_minimo": "1000",
"porcentaje_comision": "6.82"
"resultado": [
"pagado": true,
"numero_comprobante_interno": "8230473",
"ultimo_mensaje_error": null,
"forma_pago": "Tarjetas de crédito/débito",
"fecha_pago": "2023-06-07 09:11:49.52895",
"monto": "100000.00",
"fecha_maxima_pago": "2023-06-14 09:11:32",
"hash_pedido": "ad57c9c94f745fdd9bc9093bb409297607264af1a904e6300e71c24f15d618fd",
"numero_pedido": "1746",
"cancelado": false,
"forma_pago_identificador": "1",
"token": "9c2ed973536395bf3f91c43ffa925bacadcf58e5"
"respuesta": true
"pagado": true,
"numero_comprobante_interno": "8230473",
"ultimo_mensaje_error": null,
"forma_pago": "Tarjetas de crédito/débito",
"fecha_pago": "2023-06-07 09:11:49.52895",
"monto": "100000.00",
"fecha_maxima_pago": "2023-06-14 09:11:32",
"hash_pedido": "ad57c9c94f745fdd9bc9093bb409297607264af1a904e6300e71c24f15d618fd",
"numero_pedido": "1746",
"cancelado": false,
"forma_pago_identificador": "1",
"token": "9c2ed973536395bf3f91c43ffa925bacadcf58e5"
"resultado": [
"pagado": false,
"numero_comprobante_interno": "8230473",
"ultimo_mensaje_error": null,
"forma_pago": "Tarjetas de crédito/débito",
"fecha_pago": null,
"monto": "100000.00",
"fecha_maxima_pago": "2018-01-04 23:40:36",
"hash_pedido": "ad57c9c94f745fdd9bc9093bb409297607264af1a904e6300e71c24f15d618fd",
"numero_pedido": "1746",
"cancelado": false,
"forma_pago_identificador": "1",
"token": "aec22cacc0415f067f0da57ce5148085b36cd067"
"respuesta": true
"pagado": false,
"numero_comprobante_interno": "8230473",
"ultimo_mensaje_error": null,
"forma_pago": "Tarjetas de crédito/débito",
"fecha_pago": null,
"monto": "100000.00",
"fecha_maxima_pago": "2018-01-04 23:40:36",
"hash_pedido": "ad57c9c94f745fdd9bc9093bb409297607264af1a904e6300e71c24f15d618fd",
"numero_pedido": "1746",
"cancelado": false,
"forma_pago_identificador": "1",
"token": "aec22cacc0415f067f0da57ce5148085b36cd067"
"resultado": [
"pagado": false,
"numero_comprobante_interno": "8230473",
"ultimo_mensaje_error": null,
"forma_pago": "Pagoexpress",
"fecha_pago": null,
"monto": "100000.00",
"fecha_maxima_pago": "2018-01-04 23:40:36",
"hash_pedido": "ad57c9c94f745fdd9bc9093bb409297607264af1a904e6300e71c24f15d618fd",
"numero_pedido": "1746",
"cancelado": false,
"forma_pago_identificador": "3",
"token": "aec22cacc0415f067f0da57ce5148085b36cd067"
"respuesta": true
<?php $rawInput = file_get_contents('php://input');
$json_pagopar = json_decode($rawInput, true);
global $wpdb;
#We obtain the Order ID
$order_db = $wpdb->get_results($wpdb->prepare( "SELECT id FROM wp_transactions_pagopar WHERE hash = %s ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1", $json_pagopar['result'][0]['hash_pedido']));
#We obtain the Private Key
$db = new DBPagopar(DB_NAME, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD, DB_HOST, "wp_transactions_pagopar");
$pedidoPagopar = new Pagopar(null, $db, $origin_pagopar);
$payments = WC()->payment_gateways->payment_gateways();
#If the tokens match, this validation is strictly mandatory to prevent malicious use of this endpoint
if (sha1($payments['pagopar']->settings['private_key'] . $json_pagopar['result'][0]['hash_pedido']) === $json_pagopar['resultado'][0]['token']) {
#We mark it as paid if it has already been paid
if (isset($order_db[0]->id)) {
if ($json_pagopar['result'][0]['pagado'] === true) {
$order_id = $order_db[0]->id;
global $woocommerce;
$customer_order = new WC_Order((int) $order_id);
//We mark the order as Paid
$customer_order->update_status('completed', 'Order Completed/Paid.');
} elseif ($json_pagopar['result'][0]['pagado'] === false) {
//We mark the order as Pending
} else {
echo 'Token does not match';
return '';
echo json_encode($json_pagopar['result']);
"hash_pedido": "b1d98a906be9d0dc6956ead8642e0d6393abe9a6fd2743663109aa90e4d73e59",
"token": "cebe636c26b55ec95309260941f5a2c00be9b0b6",
"token_publico": "98b97ce494801bf26575a5c4ff2d4f14"
"respuesta": true,
"resultado": [
"pagado": false,
"forma_pago": "Pago Express",
"fecha_pago": null,
"monto": "100000.00",
"fecha_maxima_pago": "2018-01-05 02:09:37",
"hash_pedido": "b1d98a906be9d0dc6956ead8642e0d6393abe9a6fd2743663109aa90e4d73e59",
"numero_pedido": "1750",
"cancelado": true,
"forma_pago_identificador": "3",
"token": "fa443e1b63c7a51bd14732ed22098c62b7ebb4dd",
"mensaje_resultado_pago": {
"titulo": "Pedido pendiente de pago",
"descripcion": "<ul><li> Eligió pagar con Pago Express, recuerde que tiene hasta las
02:09:37 del 05/01/2018 para pagar.</li><li> Debe ir a boca de cobranza de Pago Express,
decir que quiere pagar el comercio <strong>Pagopar</strong>, mencionando su cédula <strong>
0</strong> o número de pedido <strong>1.750</strong>.</li></ul>" } } ] }